If you ever find yourself asking why you’re doing so much skincare, but your skin doesn’t seem to care. It could be because you’re making one of these mistakes.
- Over-cleansing:
Ensure you’re using your cleanser for a maximum of 60 seconds. If you double cleanse, ensure you’re using your oil cleanser for a maximum of 30 seconds.
- Using too many exfoliating products in one routine:
There is no need to use an exfoliating cleanser, follow later with an exfoliating toner/serum/moisturiser. This is because you already exfoliated in your first step! Use one exfoliant at a time. Do not exfoliate more than once in the same routine.
- You’re over-exfoliating:
Exfoliating should only be limited to 1-2 times a week. 3 times at most, this is because you need to give your skin a break and allow it time to repair and heal itself to ensure your skin is well protected and functioning properly.
- Not taking off your makeup at night:
Your night routine is when your skin takes the time to heal and repair itself. Sleeping with makeup impairs the ability of your skin to do that and you end up with clogged pores and major breakouts.
- Using makeup wipes:
Makeup wipes tug and pull the skin causing unnecessary friction and possibly inflaming your skin. They also do so little to remove leftover makeup instead you want to ensure that you double cleanse (use an oil-based cleanser and then follow up with a water-based cleanser) to effectively remove your makeup. For example: Inkey List Cleansing Balm, Clinique Take the Day Off Cleansing Oil.
- Using scrubs with walnut shells and microbeads:
Scrubs have been shown to cause tiny little microtears into our skin that expose us to bacteria and dirt which clog the pores and cause breakouts. Instead opt for scrubs that use fruit enzymes in their ingredients instead. For example: Dermalogicala Microfoliant.
- You’re not layering your products well:
If you apply your oil before moisturiser than you’re not helping your skin at all because oils are so heavy that they cannot allow the moisturiser to penetrate your skin. Instead, you want to apply your products from thinnest to thickest. This will help your products absorb a lot better and you get to enjoy the full benefits of your products. Always remember oils come last!
- You’re skipping moisturiser:
There’s a big misconception that certain skin types do not need moisturiser and that is untrue. Moisturised skin helps regulate oil production so that oily skin can produce less oils and dry skin can produce more oils. Check out our post on How to pick The Right Products for some examples.
- Not wearing sunscreen:
Sunscreen is a non-negotiable step in skincare. It’s part of your fundamental steps. It helps protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays and becomes even more important. Check out our post on The Ultimate Sunscreen Guide for some recommendations.
- Using the wrong products for your skin type:
If you have dry skin, then you should opt to use products that are for dry skin instead of using foaming cleansers and gel moisturisers that deprive your skin of what it really needs. Check out our post on How to pick The Right Products for some examples.
- You’re not being patient enough.
Skincare is a waiting game, it’s a game about patience and consistency that will get you your results. Using a product for 1-2 weeks and then switching over because the product is not working is wrong. You need to give your products at least 6 weeks to know whether it’s really working or not. However, if you get a reaction stop using immediately.
- Using too many products at once.
When all your new products arrive it’s easy to get carried away and start using them all at once. Do not use all of them at once as you overwhelm your skin, and it leads to breakouts. Instead introduce on product at a time into your routine.